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Better way to add website search engine for Jekyll-based website

· 6 min read

This post illustrates how to use Simple-Jekyll-Search to build the search page in a personal website. This approach is motivated by Kev Quirk's post.

I amend the procedures to make it more simple.

1. First step

Create a file search.json in the root directory with the code in the file.

layout: none
{% for post in site.posts %}
"title" : "{{ post.title | escape }}",
"category" : "{{ post.category }}",
"tags" : "{{ post.tags | join: ', ' }}",
"url" : "{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}",
"date" : "{{ }}"
} {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}

2. Second step

Create a search-script.js file in the /assets/js/ directory.

* Simple-Jekyll-Search
* Copyright 2015-2020, Christian Fei
* Licensed under the MIT License.
!(function () {
"use strict";
var f = {
compile: function (r) {
return i.template.replace(i.pattern, function (t, e) {
var n = i.middleware(e, r[e], i.template);
return void 0 !== n ? n : r[e] || t;
setOptions: function (t) {
(i.pattern = t.pattern || i.pattern),
(i.template = t.template || i.template),
"function" == typeof t.middleware && (i.middleware = t.middleware);
const i = { pattern: /\{(.*?)\}/g, template: "", middleware: function () { } };
var n = function (t, e) {
var n = e.length,
r = t.length;
if (n < r) return !1;
if (r === n) return t === e;
t: for (var i = 0, o = 0; i < r; i++) {
for (var u = t.charCodeAt(i); o < n;)
if (e.charCodeAt(o++) === u) continue t;
return !1;
return !0;
e = new (function () {
this.matches = function (t, e) {
return n(e.toLowerCase(), t.toLowerCase());
r = new (function () {
this.matches = function (e, t) {
return (
!!e &&
((e = e.trim().toLowerCase()),
(t = t.trim().toLowerCase()).split(" ").filter(function (t) {
return 0 <= e.indexOf(t);
}).length === t.split(" ").length)
d = {
put: function (t) {
if (l(t)) return a(t);
if (
(function (t) {
return (
Boolean(t) &&
"[object Array]" ===
return (function (n) {
const r = [];
for (let t = 0, e = n.length; t < e; t++)
l(n[t]) && r.push(a(n[t]));
return r;
return undefined;
clear: s,
search: function (t) {
return t
? (function (e, n, r, i) {
const o = [];
for (let t = 0; t < e.length && o.length < i.limit; t++) {
var u = (function (t, e, n, r) {
for (const i in t)
if (
!(function (n, r) {
for (let t = 0, e = r.length; t < e; t++) {
var i = r[t];
if (new RegExp(i).test(n)) return !0;
return !1;
})(t[i], r.exclude) &&
n.matches(t[i], e)
return t;
})(e[t], n, r, i);
u && o.push(u);
return o;
})(u, t, c.searchStrategy, c).sort(c.sort)
: [];
setOptions: function (t) {
(c = t || {}),
(c.fuzzy = t.fuzzy || !1),
(c.limit = t.limit || 10),
(c.searchStrategy = t.fuzzy ? e : r),
(c.sort = t.sort || o),
(c.exclude = t.exclude || []);
function o() {
return 0;
const u = [];
let c = {};
function s() {
return (u.length = 0), u;
function l(t) {
return (
Boolean(t) && "[object Object]" ===
function a(t) {
return u.push(t), u;
(c.fuzzy = !1),
(c.limit = 10),
(c.searchStrategy = c.fuzzy ? e : r),
(c.sort = o),
(c.exclude = []);
var p = {
load: function (t, e) {
const n = window.XMLHttpRequest
? new window.XMLHttpRequest()
: new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");"GET", t, !0), (n.onreadystatechange = h(n, e)), n.send();
function h(e, n) {
return function () {
if (4 === e.readyState && 200 === e.status)
try {
n(null, JSON.parse(e.responseText));
} catch (t) {
n(t, null);
var m = function y(t) {
if (
!(e = t) ||
!("undefined" != typeof e.required && e.required instanceof Array)
throw new Error("-- OptionsValidator: required options missing");
var e;
if (!(this instanceof y)) return new y(t);
const r = t.required;
(this.getRequiredOptions = function () {
return r;
(this.validate = function (e) {
const n = [];
return (
r.forEach(function (t) {
"undefined" == typeof e[t] && n.push(t);
w = {
merge: function (t, e) {
const n = {};
for (const r in t)
(n[r] = t[r]), "undefined" != typeof e[r] && (n[r] = e[r]);
return n;
isJSON: function (t) {
try {
return t instanceof Object && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t)) ? !0 : !1;
} catch (e) {
return !1;
!(function (t) {
let i = {
searchInput: null,
resultsContainer: null,
json: [],
success: Function.prototype,
'<li><a href="{url}" title="{desc}">{title}</a></li>',
templateMiddleware: Function.prototype,
sortMiddleware: function () {
return 0;
noResultsText: "No results found",
limit: 10,
fuzzy: !1,
debounceTime: null,
exclude: [],
const e = function (t, e) {
e ? (clearTimeout(n), (n = setTimeout(t, e))) :;
var r = ["searchInput", "resultsContainer", "json"];
const o = m({ required: r });
function u(t) {
i.searchInput.addEventListener("input", function (t) {
-1 === [13, 16, 20, 37, 38, 39, 40, 91].indexOf(t.which) &&
e(function () {
}, i.debounceTime));
function c() {
i.resultsContainer.innerHTML = "";
function s(t) {
i.resultsContainer.innerHTML += t;
function l(t) {
var e;
(e = t) &&
0 < e.length &&
(function (e, n) {
var r = e.length;
if (0 === r) return s(i.noResultsText);
for (let t = 0; t < r; t++) (e[t].query = n), s(f.compile(e[t]));
})(, t));
function a(t) {
throw new Error("SimpleJekyllSearch --- " + t);
t.SimpleJekyllSearch = function (t) {
var n;
0 < o.validate(t).length &&
a("You must specify the following required options: " + r),
(i = w.merge(i, t)),
template: i.searchResultTemplate,
middleware: i.templateMiddleware,
fuzzy: i.fuzzy,
limit: i.limit,
sort: i.sortMiddleware,
exclude: i.exclude,
? u(i.json)
: ((n = i.json),
p.load(n, function (t, e) {
t && a("failed to get JSON (" + n + ")"), u(e);
t = { search: l };
return "function" == typeof i.success &&, t;

3. Third step

Create a new file /_pages/ for search page display with a personalised style and paste the following code:

layout: page
title: Search
permalink: /search/
nav: true
nav_order: 3

input[type=text], select {
width: 100%;
padding: 12px 20px;
margin: 8px 0;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 4px;
box-sizing: border-box;
.search-container {
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 20px;

<!-- HTML search field -->
<div class="search-container">
<input type="text" id="search-input" placeholder="Type your search here..." autofocus>
<ul id="results-container"></ul>

<!-- Grab search-script.js -->
<script src="/assets/js/search-script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- Configuration -->
searchInput: document.getElementById('search-input'),
resultsContainer: document.getElementById('results-container'),
json: '/search.json',